Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Happy Mother’s Day…from Holland

    Happy Mother’s Day…from Holland

    First off, no I’m not in Holland. I’ll explain that in a second. Secondly, I just want to say I hope this doesn’t turn into a long rambling post of nonsense. This Mother’s Day just has me in my thoughts and feelings and I wanted to try and share some happy thoughts with everyone. So,…

  • Angry Mama Bear

    Angry Mama Bear

    Get your shit together people. Do what needs to be done and don’t be so damn selfish. My son’s life depends on it. Someone’s mother’s life depends on it. Someone’s brother. Someone’s child. Someone’s grandparent. Do you get it yet?

  • It’s just life…a little different.

    It’s just life…a little different.

    And while most people that we’ve told feel sad or sorry, I honestly can’t say I’m feeling all that different. We knew life was going to be different for Apollo and we knew this was a possibility.

  • Our First (and hopefully ONLY) Seizure

    Our First (and hopefully ONLY) Seizure

    So, in less than a month we’ve had to rush two out of three of our children to the ER. Its actually been less than three weeks. Two children, in the ER, in less than three weeks. I mean….what?!?

  • Purpose


    Well, Thursday we finally got to take Apollo back to the neurologist. For a while there it felt like we may never make it back. On that difficult day back in September that I’m sure we’ll never forget, we were told we’d be scheduled to come back in two weeks. Well, two weeks turned into…

  • The Secret Life of Apollo

    The Secret Life of Apollo

    12 weeks and 3 days. That’s how long it’s been since we first heard the news.

  • Adjusting


    It’s been a while since I’ve written. But I’m still adjusting. To life. To circumstances. To change.

  • House of Mirrors

    House of Mirrors

    I think my life lately has been a lot like walking through a house of mirrors. Take a few steps. Hit a wall. Back up. See your own reflection and question your direction and just keep going.

  • The Life I Never Knew I Wanted

    The Life I Never Knew I Wanted

    Everyone has this idea in their head of what their life is going to be like. What they want it to be like.

  • Love is a Powerful Thing

    Love is a Powerful Thing

    So today, September 30th, is Microcephaly Awareness Day. 3 weeks ago I had no idea this day even existed. I’m not even sure I’d ever even heard the term Microcephaly.

Got any book recommendations?